
Project - PRJEB33947

Strand-wise and bait-assisted assembly of nearly-full rrn operons and its application to assess species engraftment after faecal microbiota transplantation


More than 400K MinION reads were obtained from three 1D/R9.5 runs of the rrn amplicon sequencing, obtained by amplification of the bacterial 16S-IT-23S gene markers from 24 human faecal DNA samples derived from subjects involved in a faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) intervention. The long-read information was used to de novo assembly rrn to index and annotate in the rrn database and to perform a microbiota assessment at the species-level. Single-nucleotide variation analysis was also carried out to survey microbial species engraftment after FMT. Available data consist of albacore-basecalled pass fast5 files.

External Links

ENA website

NCBI website


Strand-wise and bait-assisted assembly of nearly-full rrn operons applied to assess species engraftment after faecal microbiota transplantation
Alfonso Ben?tez-P?ez, et al. 2020

Runs 3

Sample Accession Run Accession Scientific Name Instrument Platform Instrument Model Library Name
SAMEA5930472 ERR3504836 Homo sapiens Oxford Nanopore MinION Run1
SAMEA5930473 ERR3504837 Homo sapiens Oxford Nanopore MinION Run2
SAMEA5930474 ERR3504838 Homo sapiens Oxford Nanopore MinION Run3